JetBrains PyCharm Community Edition versions

Free Python IDE with powerful code completion, error highlighting, and debugger
Oct 26, 2023
Oct 31, 2013

What's new

v2023.2 [Oct 26, 2023]
User Experience
Reworked Python Run/Debug Configurations dialog
We simplified the Run/Debug Configurations dialog for Python run configurations. Now, once the dialog is opened, you have immediate access to the most commonly used settings. All additional settings, such as Run with Python Console, Emulate terminal in output console, and Before Launch, now reside under the Modify options menu.
Option to update packages from the Python Packages tool window
The Python Packages tool window is a quick and easy way to manage PyPI, Conda, or private packages for your project.
In PyCharm 2023.2, you will be able to see a list of new package versions on the left-hand side of the Python Packages tool window, and if necessary, you can download and install the new versions directly from that list.
Option to collapse Python type annotations
To improve code readability, PyCharm 2023.2 provides an option to fold complicated type hints. If you prefer reading code without type annotations, you can toggle Settings | Editor | General | Code Folding | Python | Type annotations so your projects open with type annotations folded by default. You can also use the Collapse Python Type Annotations and Expand Python Type Annotations actions to quickly move type annotations out of your way or bring them back when needed.
Text search in Search Everywhere
Search Everywhere (Double Shift) is primarily used for searching through files, classes, methods, actions, and settings. Now, text search results are displayed when there are few or no other search results available for a given query.
Code Insight
Inlay parameter name hints
To make function calls that contain a lot of arguments easier to read, PyCharm 2023.2 provides inlay parameter name hints. You can set up their behavior in Settings | Editor | Inlay Hints. You can disable parameter name hints for specific methods using the Ctrl Click shortcut.
Type hint enhancements
PyCharm 2023.2 recognizes function calls annotated with typing.NoReturn. The IDE now provides correct information about unreachable code and potentially uninitialized variables when you call such functions.
Support for fixture override in pytest
For overridden pytest fixtures, PyCharm 2023.2 provides correct type inference, navigation, and code completion. The IDE now resolves the fixtures in the same way pytest does: by checking the fixture first inside the test class, then inside the current file and in the import statements, and finally in the nearest file.
Enhanced support for Jinja templates
As it does with .j2 and .jinja2, PyCharm 2023.2 now automatically recognizes files with the .jinja file extension as Jinja templates and provides the respective syntax highlighting and code completion.
Files with composite extensions, for example Ansible templates, now have proper syntax highlighting and code completion for both the template language and the data language. Among the recognized text-based formats are .xml, .yaml, and .properties. *-playbook.yaml files are now also detected as Jinja2 files with the YAML data language.
Further improvements
- In pyproject.toml files, PyCharm 2023.2 now provides code completion for package names in dependencies and requires attributes. The IDE will also suggest installing missing packages from those attributes.
- In PyCharm 2023.2, we’ve introduced an option to wrap your code in parentheses when breaking lines. This works for binary expressions, call chains, strings, and relative import statements.
- PyCharm 2023.2 provides syntax highlighting for content inside the tag. Additionally, inside the tag PyCharm now provides code completion for the display, Element, and Element.write elements, and it checks the types of their arguments.
User Interface
Further improvements
- We’ve expanded the customization options for the new UI’s main toolbar. Right-click on any widget, select Add to Main Toolbar, and explore the available options.
- With this release, we’ve introduced an LSP API for plugin developers who want to use a specific LSP server for coding assistance in the IDE. If you’ve made your own programming language or framework, you can get it supported in the IDE by creating an LSP server and a plugin. Please note that this feature is available only in the paid version of the IDE. Learn more.
- We have decomposed the Big Data Tools plugin, allowing you to use its parts separately. This means six new plugins are available for PyCharm: Kafka, Spark, Flink, Remote File Systems, Big Data File Viewer, and Zeppelin. If you need all six, installing the umbrella Big Data Tools plugin is still possible and a convenient way to get them all in one click.
- Starting from 2023.2, the default value of the maximum heap size (-Xmx) has been changed to 2 GB.

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